Frequently Asked Questions

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Let’s answer your most common questions.

Q. How much does community kindergarten cost?

We want every child to have a strong start to their education, that’s why the Queensland Government is making kindy FREE from 2024.

Kindergarten, is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep. Kindy is 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year and is free for Queensland children attending a government-approved kindergarten program from 1 January 2024.

Nambour Kindergarten operates from 8.45am to 2.45pm during school terms.

Q. What financial assistance is available, such as child care benefit?

Eligible aged children (4yrs by June 30) will receive fee free Kindy for their time at Nambour Kindergarten.


Q. How can I pay my membership deposit?

Fees can be paid by cash or internet transfer.

Q. What happens when I join the waiting list?

You will receive invitations to our quarterly open days to meet our Educators and find our more about Kindergarten.

In July, the year prior to your child attending the kindergarten, an email with expressions of interest will be sent to your family to confirm you are still interested in sending your child to the kindergarten the following year. Then in September, a letter of offer will be sent to the email address you gave us on your waiting list form. It is important if any of your contact details change that you inform us immediately, either by email or phone so we can update our records. The enrolment process will take place from there.

Q. What if my circumstances change and my child can no longer attend?

The enrolment policy of the kindergarten is that you are required to give 2 weeks’ notice in writing. This can be in the form of a written letter or email.

You may choose to keep your child’s name on the waiting list for future placement that may crop up during the year. There is no obligation.

Q. What happens when I accept an enrolment place?

Staff will contact you via letter about the enrolment process that will take place in September. We will coordinate a time for visiting the centre to pay your enrolment deposit and collect the enrolment paperwork. Your child will be invited to attend a “Play date” visit in November with a parent to become familiar with the kindy environment and staff.

There will be a parent information night where parents will have the chance to meet and staff will go through the educational program and explain the daily routine. A whole group “Play Morning” will be held in the last week of the school holidays for all the children to meet and re-familiarise themselves with the centre before starting first term in January.

Q. What is a Gowrie Kindergarten?

In 2010 it was announced that 5 Central Governing Bodies (CGB) would be responsible for the distribution of Government Funding for Kindergartens. In the past funding was only available through C&K. After careful consideration and much research, the committee of 2010 felt that Gowrie Queensland Inc. best fit our community and Kindergartens’ philosophy.

For more information about who Gowrie Inc. are please read the attached letter from Louise Jackson the CEO or visit their website:

Q. What transition programs are available for my child to become familiar with the Kindergarten prior to starting?

In an effort to getting to know your family and helping your child to be familiar with the kindergarten environment, we hold three open days a year on the last Wednesday before the school holidays in Easter, June/July and September holidays (pending COVID restrictions).

Families will be emailed a flyer prior to the event and it is advertised on our facebook page – another way for you to keep up to date with things that happen in our Kindergarten Community.


Q. What will my child learn?

In 2011 the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Framework was released and is based on the National Curriculum document “The Early Years Framework”. The staff at Nambour Kindergarten use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Framework as the basis for Educational Decision making. It is a document that recognises parents as partners in educating your child. Your child will have their own individual “Learning Journey Portfolio” that will have learning stories, work samples, parent partnership contribution pages and in general is a great document that shows your child’s learning.

A transition statement will be developed in consultation with yourselves and your child and written by your child’s Kindergarten staff to be passed on to your child’s school and Prep teacher so that they have a rich and intricate background to build their Prep Learning in the following year.

Q. What is a parent committee?

One of the fantastic and unique things about Community Kindergarten’s is that they are run by a volunteer group of parents. This ensures that the future of the kindergarten reflects the future needs of the Nambour Community. These dedicated and amazing parents meet once a month to discuss the management of the centre and make the financial decisions.

Our administration officer, assists the committee and the staff in the management of the service. If you would like to be a part of the committee, let staff know or attend the AGM in February.

Join our waiting list